Student Support
As a school we recognise the importance of self-esteem and self-confidence for all students and seek to be supportive and friendly. We are fully committed to offering an inclusive education to ensure the best possible progress. Teachers are skilled in adapting and responding to the learning needs of their students.
We actively promote a whole school approach to meeting additional educational needs but there is also extra support available for those who experience significant challenges with specific learning difficulties or language. These students benefit from targeted interventions, which can include small group or one-to-one support from our highly qualified specialist Student Support Co-ordinator. Sessions focus on literacy and numeracy skills, study skills and curriculum support, according to individual needs, with a strong emphasis on multi-sensory learning.
Alongside remediation, the emphasis is on the use of the latest technology to assist with independent learning. In addition, the school works with an Educational Psychologist/Counsellor, who advises students, teachers and parents.