The Principal’s corner
Winter Wonderland
By the time you read this week’s buzz, you will have hopefully joined in the Winter Wonderland celebrations. It’s been so lovely to finally have everyone on site, and get into the festive season spirit. A big SHOUT OUT to Friends of IST, our parent volunteers, colleagues, students and everyone behind the scenes for helping make tonight a complete success!
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so here are a few snapshots which, hopefully, will make you smile as you start your weekend.
Grade 4s learn about plane design and innovation!
We were honoured today to have the visit of Ken Tran Phong (Future Aircraft Development Strategy at Airbus) who spoke to our Grade 4s about innovation, eco efficiency and how to build better aircrafts. Our students were fascinated and very engaged in Ken’s presentation. They demonstrated curiosity, asked great questions, took careful notes and learnt a lot about aeroplanes, specifically how to make them lighter and more sustainable. A wonderful opportunity for our students to connect with the latest trends in innovation. Thank you Ken!
Have a wonderful weekend,
Rachel Leonard,
IST Principal
The Primary corner
What goes buzz?
Bomb! The week started with G5s Science Showcases. The chemical changes behind such things as bath bombs and bouncy eggs were explained with knowledge and enthusiasm.
There was a problem with a blockage in the pipes in EC2 and this inspired the creative writers in G2G to produce an imaginative story. Fortunately, both real life and the story had happy endings.
G1 has been finding out about honey, which I really like, and produced a beautiful, bright honeycomb display. However a closer look at their writing has put me off slightly!
So the answer to “what goes buzz?” All the Bs - bombs, bouncy, blockages and bees 🙂
Alison Pattinson
Head of Primary
The Secondary corner
Grade 10, Speakers’ Corner, ISTA and Drag racing!
The week started with Grade 10 and their parents attending the G10 options evening, the purpose of which is to give the G10s an insight into the IB Diploma Programme - how it works and the courses available when they move up to G11. Mr Hunt and subject leaders were available to talk through the IBDP and answer the many questions that moving on to the next stage of your education gives rise to. This evening is coupled with a session last week, where Grade 10 students were given the opportunity to talk about the IBDP with the current G11s and ask all the questions they had and listen to all the advice the G11s were able to give. The process has doubtless left the G10s with lots to ponder and think about, but given the conversations students, parents and teachers were having, it seems certain that it was a very helpful evening.
This week also saw the very welcome return of “Speakers’ Corner”. This brief afternoon break time moment where students can come forward to speak about or present things of their choice was really well attended and we were treated to some really excellent poetry ‘by heart’ recitals from some of our younger students. The poems were recited in the students’ home languages (Greek, Italian and Spanish, on this occasion) and were all delivered with a good deal of enthusiasm and aplomb.
Also, this week some of our older students have flown off to Madrid to attend the ISTA festival taking place there today and this weekend. We wish them all the best for this exciting trip!
Finally, next week we have the upcoming Drag Racing competition. Please click here to read a brief message about this high octane competition from Mr King.
Nick Fretwell
Head of Secondary
#whatISThebuzz @IST next week?
Next Week | |
Monday 4th December | Lessons and Carols Concert (19.30-21.00) Eglise Sainte Marie Madeleine, Pibrac Cantine Committee Meeting |
Tuesday 5th December | Early Years Forest trip |
Wednesday 6th December | Grade 1 & DST Saint Nicolas Annual Drag Racing Competition (G6-12) |
Thursday 7th December | Primary Christmas Concert G2 & G3 (11.00-11.45) in the Auditorium Grade 10 iGCSE French mock orals |
Friday 8th December | Board Meeting Governors Meeting |
Monday 4th - Thursday 7th | Grade 10s careers profiling and interviews |
Wed 6th - Wed 13th | Bandari Project - Gecko on the Move week. A week of events and fundraising. |