In conjunction with tutors and staff, the Careers Coordinator helps our students prepare for life after school. Although the majority of our students apply to universities around the world, we aim to help all students find the right path to their chosen future – whether that be apprenticeships, the world of work, Higher Diplomas or other pathways.
A dedicated PSHCE programme is tailored to specific year groups and a variety of events take place throughout the year; one key example being Higher Education Day in June. At this event, students completing the IB tailor CVs, learn about the choices they have after school, write personal statements and can then attend a carousel of presentations given by various members of our school community. This allows our student to get to grips with various careers in a ‘real world’ context.
There is a dedicated Careers Room where students can conduct research and there is an appointment system where students can organise a one to one meeting with the Careers Coordinator as well as drop in sessions once a week.